Is Pele calling or am I trippin’?

Posted on June 3, 2008. Filed under: Hawaiian Goddess Energy | Tags: , , , , , |

You have to admit, there is a lot of mental illness going around these days from mild to scary.  I think every one of us suffer from a little craziness – you know, that voice in your head that is talking at you almost all the time. 

Becoming aware that this voice exists and recognizing that it is not even necessarily ME was a big revelation.  There is a presence beyond that voice that observes.  Who is that?  Did you ever wonder or ask yourself about that inner presence from beyond the deep?  Some call it intuition, Supersoul, Godself, Higher Self…feel free to let me know your term for it, I’m interested.

Being a humble soul, I have to check myself periodically and make sure I’m not drifting off the path of sanity too drastically. 

I’ve been living on the mainland for the last 3 months and it’s starting to dawn on me that I’m missing…the island, yes…but something more…the mana? Her?  It feels so strong like it’s in my bones.  Like I can’t breathe sometimes.  It’s a pain in my soul to be so far away.  When I come into contact with anything related to Hawaii – the word “Aloha” or the Hula Dancers at the Bar Mitzfah I attended 2 weekends ago, it’s all I can do to not start weeping!  Tears fill in my eyes and I feel like I MUST return.  Why the emotion? 

What an odd phenomena of palpable intangible-ness.  From whence does this urge to be one with the island come?  Am I delusional?  I know some of you out there think polytheism is wrong…that Pele is just a myth (I’m talking to the Rastafarians that make their home on the island in particular, though I also have studied this belief in the New Translation Bible with the Jehovah’s Witnesses).

This is not simply having a case of homesickness.  Gainesville, Florida is actually my hometown, to which I am fiercly loyal and ever shall be all the days of my life! 

This call to the Big Island – is it REAL?  Or is it a concept developed by a some of aeiry-fairy haoles trying to justify their populous take over of the Hawaiian’s beautiful paradasical home? 

Welcoming your thoughts…

P.S. I have to say I DO NOT miss the Tourists though! In fact I think visitor numbers to the islands need to be CAPPED.  Don’t even DARE to give me the “economy” as a reason to let these ignoramous people continue to trample what is good.

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